The lead editorial in the September 10, 2010 Ottawa Citizen says, in part:

" School board elections, which are the poor cousin of municipal elections when it comes to voter participation, are lucky to get half of that number, as former Ottawa-Carleton District School Board director Lorne Rachlis noted in a recent opinion article in the Citizen. Rachlis, who has retired as director of education, is now a candidate for trustee in Ottawa-Carleton District School Board Zone 9. He implored voters to learn who their trustee candidates are and vote in the municipal election. Rachlis is right -- it is important for citizens to inform themselves and participate in municipal elections, especially because their decisions can directly impact on property taxes and even property value. But there is reason to be optimistic that more people may heed his call during this upcoming election. The infusion of new candidates -- including Rachlis, environmentalist David Chernushenko, who is running for city council in Clive Doucet's ward, and many others -- who bring varied expertise and viewpoints to municipal politics breathes new life and new ideas into the system, which should help increase interest and participation."

See "Media Coverage" for the entire editorial.

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